Saturday, November 17, 2007

How meditation can help us to syudy

When we graduated from our hight-school most of people must enter the university and some of people found that study in university have many problem for example many peoply in university must learn many subject in one day. My friend is a good example he study at 8.00 o clock until 5.00 so he never have a time to do anything and he found that in ABAC society every body try to speak in english but his english is very bad he can't understand about what teacher told him to do so his conversation mark is very bad,he spend a lot of time to practice his english skills but he was very worried about english so he can't under stand and remember what he read and when he read a book for a long time he found that he usually lazy and sometime bore from this reason in first semester his grade was very bad. After that, he try to fix his problem and he try to find how can he study easily in abac.One day while he look at the newspaper he found the topic about meditation this topic is about people who have problem about study in an english environment he took a lot of time to understood this topic .After that, everyday when he wake up he will do some meditation about 10 minute after 1 week left he try to do much more and he found that he can do alot of thing for a long time and his momery about english is better , he can read along text that teacher gave tohim by confident .However meditation can help him about self-disciplin because he need to do meditation everyday on time . After that,his grade was improve and his conversation score is very good .Once I foud him I asked, "What is the meaning of life?" or "How do we achieve peace in ourselves and our lives?" This all-knowing man tells me the answers are "inside ourselves" and tells me to go and contemplate. I don't know if that answer was worth the journey.I am the one who have problem like my friend and now I try to do a meditation every day and I think meditation can help me to study , my mind was clear after i do a meditation .
Some of physologist give the meanning of meditation that meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. "Watching your breath" is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is effective meditation.
Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means 'to join together or to yoke' . It describes a state of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered thoughts and various patterns . The observer (one who is doing meditation) realizes that all the activity of the mind is reduced to one.
These days it is commonly understood to mean some form of spiritual practice where one sits down with eyes closed and empties the mind to attain inner peace, relaxation or even an experience of God. Some people use the term as "my gardening is my meditation" or for jogging or art or music, hence creating confusion or misunderstanding.
Traditionally, the classical yoga texts, describe that to attain true states of meditation one must go through several stages. After the necessary preparation of personal and social code, physical position, breath control, and relaxation come the more advanced stages of concentration, contemplation, and then ultimately absorption. But that does not mean that one must perfect any one stage before moving onto the next. The Integral yoga approach is simultaneous application of a little of all stages together.
Commonly today, people can mean any one of these stages when they refer to the term meditation. Some schools only teach concentration techniques, some relaxation, and others teach free form contemplative activities like just sitting and awaiting absorption. Some call it meditation without giving credence to yoga for fear of being branded 'eastern'. But yoga is not something eastern or western as it is universal in its approach and application.With regular practice of a balanced series of techniques, the energy of the body and mind can be liberated and the quality of consciousness can be expanded. This is not a subjective claim but is now being investigated by the scientists and being shown by an empirical fact.

1 comment:

poly-ploy said...

FightOo ! ! ! ^___^

fOr AU GaM3