Friday, January 11, 2008


Today is the Children's day.So my mother and I go to Chatujak market.The weather is very hot.We take a long time for shopping.First , I walk on the street and just look around because I have not seen something that interesting for me.Many people are here since this morning.For a moment , I see many people are gather to see one guy.He is drawing pictures for a customer. I am interested with his picture and want him to draw picture for me too.Suddenly , I ask him "How much does it cost for your drawing ?" he say "sixty baht"Then I agree and wait for a queue.Just fifteen minutes left , he finish.It's me long hair and big eyes.It is beautiful photo.While I was sitting , one women just talk with her microphone that today is free paint ceramic for childs.I still remember when I was young , I liked to paint ceramic so much but now is not.About my photo I think it looks like my mother more than me.My friends always tell me like that.After that I walk to sixteen project that have many jeans , trend T-shirt , trend shoes and bags.I see a beautiful bag and I like it.I ask for the price , it is 1900 baht.I think it is expensive for me , so I bargain that price to 1000 baht only.For a long time that I request.Finally , I got it.In the day of hot weather , I am thirsty.Therefore I go to Bee's Berry [Soi 2 , 16 project]it is delicious stawberry frozen and it is cheap.I spend that time to rest because I am so tired too much.I walk in the market for a long time.My mother always like to eat dessert at Chatujak market.It names "Lod - Chong" just fifteen baht.My objection that I go to the market is buy a T-shirt.I find it with my mother.She chose one T-shirt for me and it is screen "BETTER SINGLE THAN SORRY !" It cost 280 baht , I bargain for 250 baht.Next shop is sell about basketry and wickerware.I find a sweet basket hat , so I buy it for 60 baht.Afterward I buy a shorts jean for 60 baht again.It is good quality.When I finish for shopping at Chatujak market , I go to Central-Ladphao to meet my friends.One of my friends , he buy a new mobile phone.He know that I love to take photos so much , so he start to take my photos in his mobile.It is a nice shot.In the evening , it is a time to eat for me.I go to FUJI restaurant and order beef steak set.As I am waiting , I take photos again.I think it is a normal thing for me because I do it everyday but , it is a joke for another person.Time is over for today because my mother is herry to come back home.She want to sleep...and me too.From now on , I must calm down as a result of tomorrow I will go to Chula - dentist to pull out a tooth.It hurt so bad but now I feel sleepy very much....*

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