Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Free-time of each person is too different.Some people spend more time to read books.Some people waste the time to sleep , but some people like me use the time for sing songs or dances. Actually , when I was young I liked to dance on the floor.When I growth up I told to my mother that I would like to learn jazz dance like my friends , but my father do not like it.The story that I want to tell is "Step Up". It is the great movie because they have part one in 2006 and it is popular until now. So , in 2008 they have part two "Step Up 2" This movie become tendency.The Streets is set in Baltimore, Maryland. It follows Andie West as she pursues her big dream of becoming a street dancer. Her mother died of cancer when Andie was sixteen. Andie now lives with her mother's best friend Sarah , but feels like she does not belong anywhere. While she is doing badly at school, it is her passion for dancing that brings something good into her life. She rehearses regularly with her 'crew', the 410, to keep the title of the illegal competition 'The Streets'. Sarah is tired of the crime and harassment by the 410 and tells Andie she will have to go to live with her aunt in Texas if she does not turn her life around. Andie's friend and older brother figure Tyler Gage meets her at the dance club. Tyler tries to persuade her to audition for the Maryland School , where Andie has to audition for a place, thinking it will help her life as it did his. When Andie refuses, Tyler decides to battle her for it. In a memorable dance scene. Finally , Tyler does great moves and wins the battle. The two head back to her place and Tyler convinces Sarah to let her join MSA. She agrees, and Tyler leaves Andie to go on tour with Nora, confident she can make it. Chase persuades the school director and his brother. When Andie's studies come before the crew, the members are not happy and decide to kick her out. So Andie and Chase form a new crew with help from many people Chase knows at the school who are not accepted as who they are, including Andie's new friend Moose. Chase has a copied key to the studio and the crew secretly practices their routine late at night when the school is empty. They performed at the local dance club, but were rejected and kicked out. Missy joins the crew after dropping out of the 410 following the event, as she was disgusted by the crowd's reaction. Missy tells the crew that the only way to enter the streets is to first do a prank and post it on the internet to show that the crew is entering the competition. Wanting revenge from being humiliated before, Chase decides for their prank they are going to make a fool out of Tuck and also left a dead fish in the vent of Tuck's home.But the 410 does not like the fact that they had a new crew to compete with so they warn Andie's new crew to stay out of the Streets or there will be consequences. When Tuck finds Chase, he assaults him because of his prank. Chase comes into school the next day badly bruised and hurt. On top of that the dance studio has been trashed by the 410 late at night. Director Collins will not allow anyone from the school to be involved in these types of competitions. He decides to expel Andie from MSA because of her involvement with the Streets competition. When asked if there was any other students involved, Andie does not tell him about her crew.When Director Collins realizes his students are missing, he questions Sophie, who tell him where they are. Moose overhears and admits to being part of the crew. Moose takes Director Collins and Sophie to The Streets, just in time for the crew's performance. Director Collins sees them compete and realizes that the street dancing he has been opposing is in fact a legitimate form of artistic expression. He accepts Andie into MSA again. With Andie's crew as a group of friends supporting her and her education now being secured.The last before the movie was end Andie and Chase was kiss. This movie make many people need to dance. When it become famous.

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