Friday, December 7, 2007

When i SinG sOng*

In the world , they have many kind of song for listen.For example, jazz , blue , hip-hop ,R&b , pop , and pop-rock.I like to listen pop music more than the other , but that is not mean I don't like the other song.My happiness is listen music.Moreover , I love to sing song.When I sing song , I feel all around me is alive with cheerful.When I have problem or anything else that make me stress , I will listen music. It make me comfort. Sing song is my life , you know what it look like when you fall in love with someone everything is colorful for you.The thing that you ever see ugly it become beautiful.It make you to live.That is the truth.Music make me feel good , confident to do something , considerate , and concentrate too. When I do my homework or sleep I turn on the CD player all the times.Music is my friend. It still here when I feel lonely. It still here when I want someone besides me too.My friends always tell me that I am a good singer.That make me feel good again , but the point is I am shy too much.They always want me to join with sing contest. Such as , when they saw the place that have a competition about this , they call me and force me too. They tell me that " Eve , why you don't go to sing song contest ?" because , they think may be I should pass the test. Actually , I have a skill to sing song because , I learn with Kru.Ouan Maneenut the best teacher in Thailand.She is very cheerful and kind for student.She make the student and another ones stop and look at her , when she sing. That is amazing for me.Furthermore, She is a committee of singing contest in Germany too.The students that have a talent must go to sing on the stage.Then , advisor will suggest your development and your improve too.Mostly, I am one of the student that have a chance to sing song on the stage.Though , it is too regrettable for me because I learn with her for one course only, but I pay for three course.I lose my money too much for pay expenses.That is not mind.As a result of , music make people smile.Music is the best treat with medicine for people who has discouraged or sad.Music will get you to be better.I believe that people cannot live without music.Music is in your heart , in our heart.and in my heart too.

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